19 Mar The Importance of Connection in Communication Coaching
Reading Time: 2 minutesConnection – The ultimate goal of all communication. When it occurs, things change. People unite. Relationships bond. Commitment grows. And results happen — over and over again.
Behind every business success are the individuals that make it happen. Business connection and personal connection… the two are always linked and each inevitably leads to the other. It’s the individual behind the business success that makes it happen. They’re the ones that drive the result. They’re the ones that connect with someone else… to change, to motivate, or to move.
And, they do that with powerful communication. They do it by connecting — with themselves, and with others, to build trust and to lead. They grow, and their business follows. They make a difference — not by changing who they are, but by becoming more of who they are and they don’t settle for “good enough.”
Leveraging that difference – between just communicating and connecting – is the key to powerful communication. It’s the key to your success.
But getting in touch with the difference between those two and how to achieve the later – doesn’t come easy. It’s a journey… and its rarely accomplished alone. A connection between you and your communication coach is as critical as it is between you and your business audiences.
Building strong relationships and influencing others through your communication begins by building a strong relationship with yourself. And that kind of personal growth doesn’t come from typical classroom learning. To move beyond awareness to actually “owning” the authentic “you” in your communication takes real exploration and real experiences. It takes someone special to see your potential and to help you see it as well – to show you the possibilities and to motivate you toward your individual goals.
This is the benefit of finding a communication coach that you can connect with.
A great communication coach will take you beyond textbook technique, classroom lessons, and lectures. They’ll provide you with the kind of real, experiential learning that is simply unattainable in capsulized, internal training programs or seminars. It’s an approach that not only drives true behavioral change but delivers a solid framework for you to continue your journey after the coaching ends. Absorption, personal growth, and motivation are all essential to becoming a powerful and authentic communicator.
That process of learning through experience – and more specifically, learning through reflection on doing – is essential in developing top business communicators in today’s world. And understanding that is essential in any communications coach you choose.
Speakeasy’s communication experts serve as coaches and guides along your communication journey. For more than 50 years, we have connected thousands of leaders with the power that their voices hold. Each of our communication coaches has unique backgrounds to accompany their expertise; meaning, no matter your needs we have a guide that can help you achieve your communication goals.