Take The First Step SM


Take the First Step is a one-day, on-site program for individuals with up to five years experience. Is your communication making the contribution it could to your business success? Could increasing the impact of your style increase your results ­ and your personal satisfaction? In this program participants address questions like these, individually and as members of a team. Through videotaping and exercises, individuals receive an assessment of their current communication style, and explore ways to enhance their comfort and effectiveness. Participants leave with an increased understanding of what is possible for them through their communication. To help you continue to improve after the course, we provide access to Speakeasy’s online help center Speakeasy Connect.

I was amazed at how much progress could be made in such a short period of time. The video taping, the straight feedback — everything combined to help me begin making real improvement immediately. And not just in formal presentations, but in all of my communication.

Ari Raulerson
Vice President, Private Lending, Bank of America

You gain

    • An introduction to fundamental skills
    • Specific techniques to increase their comfort and effectiveness
    • Greater awareness of what is possible for them as communicators

Teams gain

    • Increased understanding of the benefits of individual and team communication
    • Group commitment to continue that development

All US Locations

  • Individuals:
    -Not Offered to Individuals-
  • Teams:
    Investment: $8,500


  • Individuals:
    -Not Offered to Individuals-
  • Teams:
    Investment: €8,500

Interested in Signing up?

If there are no open program dates listed above call us now at +1 404.541.4800 or use our contact form for future dates or more information.
