12 Mar Empowering Introverts: Improving Communication Skills for Success
Reading Time: 2 minutesAre you a seasoned professional or “subject matter expert” (SME) who dreads or gets stressed out by presentations or public speaking?
Would you prefer to sit quietly in meetings, to listen and observe, perhaps adding your comments or feedback one-on-one after the meeting?
Do you consider yourself an introvert?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you are not alone.
When having to step up for that public speaking “opportunity,” the challenges that introverts face can be daunting, possibly even career-limiting if not managed properly.
But, fear not. There is something you can do to help yourself get through those challenging, front-facing speaking situations.
A little catch, though, is that it might be easier said than done. But it’s really important.
And it starts right within YOU.
Although there is absolutely nothing wrong with being an introvert, the key to success as an effective communicator is being able to adapt.
As professionals, it is inevitable that we will have to speak in public settings, make presentations, lead meetings or projects, etc., so for career success, we must find a way to “do it.”
I know this might sound oversimplified, but the biggest thing you can do to help yourself adapt is to believe in yourself.
Yes, I really mean it. You have to trust and believe in who you are and what you know.
When I coach self-professed introverts, I like to remind them of one very important thing: they are where they are because someone believes in them and feels that they have the skills and knowledge to take on “that opportunity.”
“Where they are” includes everything from the current position they are in; “that” presentation they were invited to make; “that” meeting they were asked to lead or “that” big conference they were asked to attend. I think you know where I’m going with this.
By believing in yourself, you then can adapt to each situation, do what you need to do to convey your messages comfortably and confidently, and then relax until the next “opportunity” comes along.
Of course, there are other things you can do to get ready for those stressful, dreaded public speaking opportunities. Learning to breathe effectively is one way, but I’ll leave that for a different discussion.
You also can consider signing up for a Speakeasy program. Over our 51 years in business, we have helped many self-proclaimed introverts find the power in their voice and have seen how it can transform their lives and careers. Whether you’re interested in private coaching or one of our style and delivery experiences, it is our mission to unlock the power of effective communication that lies within you. Feel free to contact our team today to see what option would work best for you.