
          from Victoria Squier, faculty at Speakeasy Do you want to be more convincing and persuasive when speaking to your team or to senior executives?  You may want to sound more dynamic and committed to what you’re saying when you speak, like it matters to you. You...

// // Tweet // // from Alice Rutkowski, Faculty at Speakeasy Imagine two rooms filled with 2 different groups. One group is relatively happy and content. The other group is the opposite, discontent and unhappy. If you peered into a window for each you could probably tell...

from Jane Jones, Distinguished Faculty at Speakeasy Remember what it was like at first to learn a new skill?  In my classroom, sometimes a client who is struggling with change asks me how to juggle a number of new behavior choices and make them all work...

// // Tweet // from Sandra Ashe, Principle Faculty at Speakeasy Understand What My Listeners Want When helping business executives communicate with their best foot forward we often hear that they want to better “read” their listeners, understand what they think and feel and know if their remarks...

from Bill Mackinnon, Senior Faculty at Speakeasy Multitasking has been considered a sign of enhanced capacity and ability to master tasks and demands of an ever-increasing pace of work and life.  It has gained a lot of cache in the last few years.   People say “I...

Aside from an often mundane public speaking class in college, our guess is no one, or almost no one, makes an effort to improve their ability to speak to others. Most men and women in business make an effort to dress well; they pay attention...
