
People who begin work on their speaking skills don’t usually see themselves as starting a long-term journey. They usually begin because of the demands of a particular situation or a new role. Maybe they’ve advanced to a more senior position and have to address larger...

Sshh, Sshh… Stop the talking. Stop the beeping, the phone, the pinging, the music, and the TV.  When was the last time you can remember just being in the quiet… absolute silence?  Our world today is so full of constant sound and stimulation that we have...

I don’t care what you think… what do you feel?   Typically, if we actually think through what we’d like to say before we say it, we do it within the safe confines of paper and pen...

To Thine Own Self Be True …but What is True and How can I be Myself?We all want to be our real selves.  We know that when we are, we are our most comfortable and most effective.  But, what is our “real self” and how do we...

by Jason Daily, Instructor and Speech-Language Pathologist This past week, I was asked to participate in a pilot for a program that will be conducted by one of my colleagues, a fellow instructor, overseas in the coming months. This was much different than sitting in and...

 by Jason Daily, Faculty and Speech-Language Pathologist Many of my clients don’t realize just how much their speech patterns are keeping their listeners from staying engaged with them when they are talking…whether it’s an upfront presentation, a one on one conversation, a conference call or a...
