Advance Your Communication Impact SM


Prerequisite: A two or three-day Speakeasy Style program. This is a two-day, advanced workshop for clients who have already explored their personal communication style in a Speakeasy delivery program. In this workshop, the focus is on interaction, on becoming a more powerful communicator by listening for understanding, as well as speaking more effectively. It includes tools for handling pressure gracefully, particularly in responding to questions, and for focusing content to secure listener interest. This workshop helps you navigate the “give and take” of successful interaction. To support continued progress after the program, participants will receive access to Speakeasy’s online help center Speakeasy Connect.

This certainly reinforces the Speakeasy methods I learned previously ­ but this is far more than just additional practice time. The program provides critical insights on how to really reach your listeners. In my opinion, this is simply the best development program available to take you to the next level.

Fred Jefferson
Director, Customer Care Verizon Wireless

You gain

    • Greater ownership of key style choices for you
    • The ability to develop confident answers in pressured situations
    • Greater understanding of your listener’s needs
    • The tools to be more persuasive in conversations and meetings

Teams gain

    • Increased support for effective communication development.
    • A unified process to handle high consequence and/or contentious issues in discussion.

All US Locations

  • Individuals:
    Investment: $2,150
  • Teams:
    Investment: $17,000


  • Individuals:
    Investment: €2,150 (excl. VAT)
  • Teams:
    Investment: €17,000 (excl. VAT).

Select the location to find the course dates
  • May 29, 2025 May 30, 2025
    Atlanta Enroll

If there are no open program dates listed above call us now at +1 404.541.4800 or use our contact form for future dates or more information.
