Communicate to Drive Results is a three-day program for executive leaders who are responsible for driving team performance and have moderate high-consequence communication experience. This program is offered exclusively to executives with high-consequence communication responsibilities – both internal and external – requiring them to influence and inspire teams to action. Each participant receives the individual help they need to develop a style that makes the most of every communication opportunity – one that can help them drive greater results for their organization. Participants receive direct and detailed feedback from both instructors and peers – and the time needed to explore, experiment with, and then own the specific skills that will make them more effective communicators. Enrollment is limited to ten participants from different companies and industries.
Typical participant titles may be Senior Vice President, Vice President, Senior Director or similar.
Each one of us has the ability to touch and influence others, yet no two of us can do it in the same way. Connecting as a communicator isn’t about trying to become someone else – it’s about reaching inside yourself and bringing out the best of what is uniquely you.
Ron Ricci
Vice President, Market Positioning, Cisco Systems
If there are no open program dates listed above call us now at +1 404.541.4800 or use our contact form for future dates or more information.